
Unlocking Your Irish Heritage & EU Nationality through Grandparental Links

Foreign Birth Registration: Claiming Citizenship Through Grandparents

If one of your grandparents was born in Ireland, you might be eligible for Irish citizenship through Foreign Birth Registration (FBR). Registering your birth on the Foreign Births Register is a crucial step to claim this citizenship.

Eligibility Criteria

You can apply for Irish citizenship through FBR if any of the following applies:

Application Process for Adults

To register yourself as an Irish citizen, you'll need:

Required Documents

For a complete list of required documents, application fees, and to start your online application, visit the official Foreign Births Registration page.

Current ETA

Foreign Birth Registation

Current FBR turnaround time (assuming no additional queries):
9-12 months

First Time Passport Application

Current first time passport application after FBR:
2 months

Useful Resources

Preview of the Irish FBR Form Apply for FBR