Unlocking Your Irish Heritage & EU Nationality through Grandparental Links
Frequently Asked Questions
It needs to be two unique documents, ideally from the government or healthcare provider (for example, NHS) which has your full name and address on. Alternatively, Ireland will consider bills as proof of both. It needs to be two documents, one will count as proof of name, another will count as proof of address. If you have a middle name, the document cannot just contain your initial.
If all submitted properly and no additional documents are required, it can take 9 months for the Irish Foreign Birth Registration at this time, but the official estimate is up to two years. Delays can occur if any additional documentation is needed (for example, if you've missed a certificate that is required).
An original document is one ordered or direct from a government official, for example from HSE Ireland or GRO UK. Original doesn't explicitly mean the hand-written original document from the time of the event; it can easily be an ordered duplicate issued from the government.
Ordering from Royal Mail online (from the UK) seems the best way, as you can print out the label and importantly, the customs declaration. Without the customs declaration, there is a chance your documents will be returned to you and not delivered. The items need to be marked as paperwork/letter with a 0 value, or a customs charge is liable on them.
After attempts to contact the witness, if they are not available you might be asked to provide a new witness. You'll get an email requesting this if required. They can try multiple times to contact the witness before requesting a new one.
You cannot in almost all cases, the only exceptions are for emergencies such as in cases of pregnancy or when stateless. If you haven't heard back after a year, it might be worth contacting them on +353 1 568 3331 to ensure that you haven't missed an email.
Similar to obtaining other original documents, you can order birth, marriage, or death certificates from HSE Ireland for events that occurred in Ireland, or from GRO UK for events that occurred in the UK.
No, but it's suggested to as it helps establish identity. There have been a few cases where applications have been delayed until this is provided.
No, a baptism certificate alone is not sufficient for FBR. You need to have the birth registered first. You can request a Late Registration of the birth by sending the baptism certificate to the Civil Registration Service, along with a notarised declaration form, marriage details of the parents, and, if applicable, the death certificate of the person.
Yes. There are many instances of applications (both FBR and passport) being rejected by using a witness with a different residency to your own
Citizenship through a great-grandparent is generally not viable for most people. One of your parents would have needed to be entered on the Foreign Births Register before you were born. This means they would have been given a FBR certificate.